News - Metric Machining Celebrates 40th Anniversary
Metric Machining
The Metric Machining Team

Metric Machining established September 1st, 1973
by Richard and Joan Parker

David Parker was hired by the Board of Directors
in 2010 to re-organize the company
and return it to profitability.

September 1st, 2013.
With a new management and production team
we have accomplished that goal.

We look forward to the next 40 years.

Metric Machining 40th Anniversary
Metric Machining 40th Anniversary
Units specified are Customer Satisfaction
and tolerances are: 100% +/- .000
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Metric Machining is 9001:2015 Manufacturer ISO 9001:2015 Manufacturer
 Title: Metric Machining
 3263 Trade Center Drive. Riverside, Ca. 92507
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