News - Metric starts in-house Machine Rebuilding Program.
December 6th, 2012
We begin rebuilding our line of 30, 20 year old Davenports, using talent in-house.
  Davenport fresh from the shop floor.
This machine is 20 years old and still in
good enough shape for a much needed rebuild.
  The machine stripped down to it's base.
It will receive new bearings and sleeves
in the next two weeks.
  After a good steam cleaning and a fresh coat of paint,
this machine is starting to look almost new.
  A few more parts and this machine is ready to go back to the shop floor. Many of the replacement part were
produced in-house by our maintenance team.
  February 7th, 2013.
This machine is fitted with an in process controller built in-house that checks inside/outside diameters of parts produced and rejects them if they exceed tolerances. The controller also sends this data across our network to be analyzed by our SPC system.
Units specified are Customer Satisfaction
and tolerances are: 100% +/- .000
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